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New Delivery Options for Businesses using the TUYA Platform

By December 27, 2019No Comments

We have three new delivery options on the TUYA platform. These new features will help businesses streamline their deliveries and enable them to use the TUYA platform for all their delivery needs.

Multi-Stop Orders

Many businesses have same-day delivery needs that involve multiple stops. Now businesses can manage all these deliveries with the TUYA platform. This new feature needs to be activated per business account. If you are interested in this feature, contact your Account Executive or email

Schedule an Order up to 60 days in the Future

Businesses are now able to schedule orders up to 60 days in advance. Now you can plan out all your deliveries for the next two months.

Recurring Orders

Do you have deliveries that occur every week or month? Shippers are now able to setup orders that occur on a set cadence.
